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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  January 3, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PST

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morning news. good morning, thank you for waking up with us this thursday morning, january 3rd, i am pam cook. >> and i am brian flores. everybody is here. >> it has been three weeks. >> it feels like it, i got a lot of extra sleep. >> no warnings or watches but it is pretty cold out. it feels colder than earlier and we are not going to check the thermometer. and san jose, morgan hill, and a few mid-to-upper 50s, here is sal. let's go right to the pictures and show you 24 westbound looks good heading up to the caldecott tunnel and also the morning commute looks good if you are driving on northbound 101 in san francisco, it is 4:29 let's go
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back to the desk. >> right now police are on the scene of a home invasion and it happened in the city's richmond district. police say the victims were held at gunpoint. we will have a news crew on the way to the scene and we will have more coming up. a search is on for a 19- year-old missing woman who vanished during a new year's eve celebration. in petaluma where the woman worked and went to school, good morning, tara. >> reporter: flyers of alyssa have been posted all over downtown and you can see one right here. as we understand, her father and brother are heading out to pass them out and the girl's father is working with police on trying to find his daughter 19-year-old alyssa has not been seen since new year's eve.
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she was in the area for snow globe, a three day festival which attracts thousands. she disappeared and said to her friends she was taking a shuttle back to the resort. now facebook page has been set up to find her who worked as a hostess here and was also studying to be a paramedic. she is described as 5-foot 3, 128 pounds with blue eyes, long hair died black with a fair complexion. if you have any information about her whereabouts, you are asked to turn in information to the police department in nevada. we will tell you what will help provide clues with this investigation, live in petaluma, i am tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 morning news. today would have marked the
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22nd birthday for polley class, a woman who was abducted and murdered. the foundation named after her prepares to make an announcement. last night more people than normal sought shelter at the homeless refuge. there is an increased demand for a safe and warm place to sleep. >> one woman showed up and she actually had frostbite. i had to scrape ice off the window of my car during the last few days. >> the cold weather is also keeping plumbers busy with pipes and water heaters in need of repair at homes. and in just a few minutes, steve paulson will have a detailed look at your forecast. today east palo alto council will seek funding to repair a failed levee.
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they were there when heavy rains caused the creek to over run the levee. the city manager signed a proclamation declaring a local emergency. they say their funds have been exhausted and they plan to ask for 2. $7 billion. >> we found levee to the creek banks and at historic university bridge. the damage we have identified needs immediate attention for flood control for the rest of the flood disease son. >> 2000 sandbags from -- flooddy season. the driver accused of killing two people outside the liquor store is scheduled to be arraigned. ktvu channel 2 morning news has obtained armature video of it. david morales caused the deadly
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crash while racing away from police. the convicted felon faces two counts of murder. president barack obama signed a fiscal cliff bill into law. the president who is vacationing in hawaii authorized the use of the otto open which copies the president's signature. now the bill raises taxes for most of the wealthiest americans. 32-year-old eric saw well defeated long-term congressman pete stark back in november. and jered huffman will also be sworn in. meanwhile another item on the congressional list will be the
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speaker house speaker john boehner who will be easily elected despite some republicans for allowing a vote on the fiscal cliff bill which did not allow for cuts. they are speaking on aid for victims of super storm sandy. they canceled a scheduled vote because of the fiscal cliff legislation. republicans from new york and new jersey reacted with outrage. now there is a vote to help pay for flood insurance claims a second vote will be held on another $51 billion aid package. there will be no extra security following the death of three people who were swept out to sea by rogue waves. on new year's day, a man drowned on north beach. four days earlier, a father and son died after they were swept
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away while fishing in the head lands. there are no immediate plans to add lifeguards or any extra patrols. they are getting a look at the bay lights projects. they will look at 125,000 lights which will create a dazzling light show and it is scheduled to be completed this march and will light up the bay for two years. let's go to sal with traffic, hey, sal. >> good morning, brian and pam, welcome back. it is one of those things where the whole crew is back and people are coming back on the roads starting with the east shore freeway and we'll see more and more people until one day at the bay bridge toll plaza, we'll see a new crowd and we have not since the christmas holiday.
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no problems on the commute in union city and fremont. if you are driving through the south bay it looks nice and no major issues on the roads and the peninsular is off to a good start but it's cold out there, let's go to steve. another system is coming in and this is dying on the vine and one part goes north, one part goes south. 20s and 30s and it seems to be running higher than yesterday. it is not enough to offset cold temperatures and cloud cover can keep up. ukiah, 26 redding and there is still a lot of cold air and it is going to get colder here in the next couple of hours. these high clouds are painting it cloudy and it is going to be mostly sunny. our computer forecast takes it south and wipes it out. except for another few high clouds, it will be mostly
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sunny. san jose 60 and 62 in gilroy and temperatures are creeping up and it will be sunny on friday, we start increasing clouds on friday, a strong system will approach and we will keep an eye on it. i would not cancel any plans right now. homeowners report thieves are arriveeling through their garbage. it is illegal an affects garbage collection rates. they say any of these misdemeanor crimes are a low priority. they have noticed large scale operations who pay people to dig through trash. it is three weeks after the sandy hook elementary school tragedy and the kids are back in school. we will tell you more about the special measures teenagers are
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taking -- teachers are taking. he killed her small dog and we will tell you more about how the police are trying catch the suspect. we have more on your morning commute and your bay area weather, stay tuned. look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy
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u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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. good morning, except for some higher clouds it will be mostly sunny, upper 50s to 60s towards san jose. hillary rodham clinton is being discharged from a new york city hospital. she was seen getting into a van with her family after doctors treated her for a blood clot in her head. she did not suffer any neurological damage and still no word on when she will return to work. we are learning what led up to a deadly shooting at a
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sacramento bar. she claims h father spilled a drink on a friend of the alleged gunman. she claims her father tried to apologize but montoya shot and killed cordova. the man who worked as a bartender was also killed. montoya was injured with a shootout with a security guard. sandy hook elementary school students will return to school to another school which has been transformed to look like sandy hook elementary school. they brought in desks and backpacks and other items to make the children feel more comfortable. >> it has to be the safest school in american. we will be remaining on presence on location until further notice. >> the students will spend the rest of the year at the new school and it will be up to the community to decide what to do with the campus where a gunman
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killed 20 children and six adults three weeks ago. one man accused of the winery who was killed inside his mansion on november 30th, his wife was beaten. court documents obtained by mercury news showed a coin collection, jewelry and cash were all stolen during that attack. the documents shed new light on a miss tier yours case which is -- mysterious case which is surrounded in seek -- secrecy. he is suspected of robbing a woman and killing her dog in spite. here is a look at the suspect as he ran from golden gate avenue. he had just thrown the victim's small dog into traffic. police say there is no where in the city to hide. >> it doesn't take very long until they run that video surveillance in san francisco.
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>> the 12-year-old dog had to be put down because of her injuries. witnesses have set up a reward funds and at last checked it was up to $3,500. police in san jose are settling the final homicide and it could be a case of vigilantism. her husband has been behind bars after being arrested for the deadly shooting of 36-year- old christopher soriano of an apartment complex. he was trying to detain a man who was suspected of burglarizing vehicles in the neighborhood. they may be able to return home today. the red cross has been providing shelter to 60 people. pg&e is expected to do inspections this morning and if all goes well, the building could be reopened today. a four-year-old died in that
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fire and because of the deaths it will take extra time to figure out the cause. today would have been the second birthday of policy class. the little girl abducted in 1993. the class kids foundation will introduce several child safety tools. they include a missing child smart phone app and a watch with a metal wristband which is hard to disguard. governor jerry brown is going to outline a proposal to change how schools are funded. it reportedly gives more control for school districts as well as allocating money with students and a low income learners. inn trough dued a similar he introduced a similar plan and feels the district may be more receptive when he passes his budget. they are naming a policy change, immediate immigrants
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relatives of citizens will have more time to file for residency. there is a million up to 11 million who can receive hardship wavers. they are trying to overturn california's band on shark fin soup. it costs up to $100 per bowl. there is no evidence that the law discriminates against chinese sue sorters. -- supporters. million of sharks are killed just for their fins. the voice ultralounge shut down after they were ordered to move up their last call to 11:00 p.m. instead of 1:15 a.m. there are dozens of incidents there including fights and
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other bad behavior. sal, how is it looking out there? >> not too bad, as a matter of fact, i think we will have more of a commute going forward and next week is went we will really see it. as you can see the traffic is moving well out to the mcarthur maze and it has been a very nice drive getting into san francisco. yesterday we had a little back up in the morning and that's about all, we'll see what happens today. this morning's commute in san jose looks good on northbound 280 getting up to highway 17, let's go to steve. our system is coming in the one understanding in front of and it is falling apart, you can see there is not a lot here except for a lot of high clouds and temperatures are warming up a little bit but in fact 63 in santa cruz down to monterey and temperatures are recovering slowly even though mornings are
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very cold. it is a little bit warmer on the highs and we have to be towards the southern end of the peninsular. it is really cold and there is no advisory from frost or freeze warnings and it is going to be in the 20s for some, already is in santa rosa. they will dip into the 20s in an hour or two. probably the same for antioch even at the oakland airport. 40 degrees in tahoe and it is 40 and i heard a tweet which said 4 below. 26 in redding, 28 and 29 in clear lake as well. not much in the system in crescent city seen though that looks week. nice to mild on the afternoon temperatures and they are creeping up to a degree or two each day. 67 morgan hill, increasing clouds saturday, it looks like a stronger low, but it's going to split and we will get a lot of clouds out of it.
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san francisco's bay sold to a middle eastern network, what this sale means for local employees. starbucks are looking for ways to cut back on trash with its logo and now they are hoping customers will help out. this neighborhood sure has changed a lot over the years.
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you know there was a time when people like me couldn't live here. i'll never forget being told i wasn't welcome in this neighborhood. well i own this building now, the fair housing act made a difference for someone like me. so i can choose where i want to live, free from discrimination. glad you could make it, right this way...
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. welcome back. dense fog and a chopper went down in the county yesterday morning. it took rescue crews several hours to fine the wreckage because of the heavy fog. the pilot was karen johnson and was together frost control over a field to keep the crops from freezing. healthcare workers will announce their plan to deal with attacks. they have protested before saying they have dealt with medical employers attacking health benefits and staffing levels. the healthcare workers' union will now speak out about their plans to deal with the pending problems. the deadly paparazzi is now sparking a debate about whether new anti-paparazzi laws were needed. he was hit by an suv while trying to take pictures of
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justin bieber ferrari. photographer say, any laws will violate the first amendment. he is proud and pleased with what happened in 2005. they have had a hard time gaining viewers but lineups could be just what he needs to be more prominent in this country. they have more about the common dictator on several shows. >> they will be able to find some following among arab viewers in america. >> the move could put it in closer competition with several programs. al jazeer does plan on moving
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to at&t park. they hope customers will join in and starting today, starbucks will offer customers a plastic reusable cup. they give you a 10-cent discount when they bring in a reusable cup and they are actually cleaned with boiling water before the order is filled. that feature is supposed to block all but most important devices for a set period of time. for now it continues to block communication later than scheduled. through next monday apple said users should turn the feature off manually. here is your chance to work for the patrol. anybody who wants to apply must be between 25 and 30 and can not have any felony convictions. the place to apply is
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let's look at the early morning, probably a lot of people like me are getting back to work today. >> mostly, i think pam, it will be monday for a lot of folks and we are still watching it at interstate 880 in oakland and it looks nice as you pass the coliseum and 580, this is a look at westbound bridge and that traffic looks light. yesterday it was gone by 7:00. and down 101 and 280, there are no problems getting there unless you are trying to get a flight. hold on a second, there you go, i was trying to add some graphics. just got pinched for time. this system is falling apart, again the pattern looks very quiet to me and there will be a stronger system coming in but it will take the same path and
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that's pretty much going to fall apart and my computer is stuck. >> well you are not stuck. >> yes, i am stuck. it is not moving. well mostly sunny and temperatures start in the 20s and 30s and each day a few high clouds 54 to 64 now, some of those temperatures, no warnings or watches and there will be lots of areas for frost, concord now 29, santa rosa 29 and 30s for many. big goose egg in tahoe. 29 in sacramento and redding 26. there is some very cold air in place and they are getting a tiny bit longer. mostly sunny, a cold morning nice to warm on afternoon highs and they are coming up a little bit. we'll see upper 50s to near 60 degrees downtown oakland is
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pushing 60s. i think we have a lot of cloud cover for the weekend but not much else and if there is any rain it will be very light. we are following that news out of san francisco. a home invasion in the city's richmond district and we are on the scene of the very latest coming up. and it has made them obsolete, they are in a battle overbay area phone books -- over bay area phone books. we will be right back.
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